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Friday, October 16, 2020
Zip. Lou re-zipped the tent flap. He paused, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark. He walked carefully toward the edge of camp and into the woods. The leaves crunched underfoot. His face caught a spiderweb and he quickly swiped the sticky fibers away. Gross. There was something crawling up his bare arm. He brushed it away and shivered.
Just a spider.
Zip. Lou relieved himself. Zip. And returned back to camp, guided by the glow of dying embers in the fire pit.
Zip. Jill turned in her sleep and murmured softly. "Just me," whispered Lou. He slipped back into the tent. Zip. And zipped the flap back up. Lou never left it open for long. The spiders might get in.
Zip. Lou sealed himself snugly in his sleeping bag. Warm, cozy, and entirely content, he drifted off to sleep.
Zip. The tent flapped opened. "Jill?" said Lou, still half-asleep.
"Just me," said the voice.
Jill turned in her sleep and murmured again.
"Just me," the voice whispered.
Zip. The tent flap closed.
"Jill? Jill wake up!" pleaded Lou. His flashlight was just to his right, but he needed to get his arm out of the sleeping bag first. He floundered for the zipper, but couldn't find it. "Jill! Jill wake up!"
Jill woke up.
"Good night, Jill," said the voice.
She began to scream, but, to her surprise, her mouth would not open. The hand reached down slowly toward her face. Lou writhed helplessly in his bag.
Zip. Unzippered, Jill's lip sprang apart. She screamed and she screamed and she --
Zip. The sheriff closed the body bag and heaved it into the truck. "Dispatch, this is the sheriff. We've got a double homicide out here."
Zip. Lou found the zipper.